I caught up with Kristof Van Tomme of WalkHub after the end of the 2014 Open Knowledge Festival. Kristof is developing a powerful open source tool to help document the interfaces of the internet. They call it WalkHub. The final goal is to make the Internet more accessible.
They are currently running an Indiegogo Crowdfunding campaign to take their software to the next level. Help support their hard work and commitment, either by registering for their beta or by supporting the campaign.
Show Notes
- Visit their project page here: http://www.walkhub.net
- Visit their Indiegogo funding campaign: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/tutorials-designed-for-the-internet
- See a test run of their software: http://walkhub.net/content/walkthrough-white-houses-petition-site?autostart=1
- See their open source GitHub page: https://github.com/Pronovix/WalkHub
Alex Fink
Editor & Host at The OKCast
In addition to hosting the OKCast, I am a Ph.D. student in Youth Studies at the University of Minnesota. I study methods of making research to document injustice and resistance available to young people to create social change. My particular focus is on the political economy and ecology of data, including data collection, data use, data access/sharing, data economics, and the ideologies surrounding it.
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