In episode 17 of the OKCast, I talk with of ANTS. ANTS is an open knowledge company focused on building applications using machine learning, good user interface design, and what they call “collective intelligence”. Alexander comes to this work from a PhD in Chaos Theory, and is a co-founder of the app SNIPS, and the machine learning mind behind ANTS. With ANTS, he’s developed several amazing applications, including one that helps make waste disposal a friendlier and more efficient process for everyday people. You can find Alexander on Twitter or on his website, www.ants.builders.
- Hacking Public Infrastructure – Alexandre’s Presentation at CSV,Conf (and presentation description)
- Alexandre’s GitHub Page
- ANTS GitHub Page
- 6element Waste Management
- Alexandre’s post related to Contextual Modeling
- SNIPS.net
Alex Fink
Editor & Host at The OKCast
In addition to hosting the OKCast, I am a Ph.D. student in Youth Studies at the University of Minnesota. I study methods of making research to document injustice and resistance available to young people to create social change. My particular focus is on the political economy and ecology of data, including data collection, data use, data access/sharing, data economics, and the ideologies surrounding it.
Latest posts by Alex Fink (see all)
- Season #1 – Summer Break! - June 9, 2015
- Episode #24 – Open Ecology and Conservation with Shah Selbe - April 2, 2015
- Sensor Calibration and Certification with Puneet Kishor - April 2, 2015